Marching BandThe
Dixieland Crackerjacks' marching band is a versatile little musical unit
that can be at your service at the most various situations one can think
of. Usually the number of musicians is five. When required, the band can
be enlarged with additional members. Outdoor activities may include fancy fairs, sporting events, shopping
centres, holiday resorts or musical festivals. A special place among the activities of the marching band is the occasional playing at funeral ceremonies. Just like the Brass Bands did in the old days in New Orleans. The Crackerjacks have been asked several times to for fill on of these last wishes and have some very beautiful "dirges" in their repertoire. However, the large number of gigs are of the happier kind. Then the music consists of the numerous highlights from the "Roaring Twenties", sang with the use of a megaphone, to conceive a most authentic sound. Several members of the band sing, all in their own specific voice. The band is dressed in authentic outfit belonging to the same era, of
course including the straw hats. At wish the band has other outfits at
hand. Band members:
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